Grant Ragan’s Gross Motor Room

Students at Grant Ragan Elementary are enjoying new toys and experiences in the Gross Motor Room thanks to a grant from the Waukee Community Schools Foundation.

Jennifer Kopp is a Special Education Teacher at Grant Ragan and applied for funding to purchase several items including a connected hopscotch game, balance stepping stones, scooters, and an adaptive tricycle.

Kopp said every student at Grant Ragan has access to the Gross Motor Room, but the majority of students who use the room have social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs that keep them from accessing the same opportunities as their peers. The new items are improving student learning by providing an opportunity to practice social skills, build upper body strength, improve balance, and learn self-regulation skills that are proven to improve memory and focus.

Kopp said students who use the Gross Motor Room "have the same goals and aspirations as many other students in the district. They want to come to school to be loved, have new experiences, make friends, and learn. These new materials increase wellness and help develop a deeper sense of belonging... and give students equal access to opportunities that are already available to their peers."

The Foundation is thrilled to have funded this grant focused on wellness and sense of belonging, and is grateful to our sponsors and donors for their support.


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